I had the privilege of witnessing and documenting the last harvest of this family’s vineyard. It takes many years to cultivate and grow the vines before they are mature enough to produce raisins for wine. We are sad to see them go but honor its last harvest. Chin Chin!
First and foremost an exceptional grape must be grown in order to produce a great tasting wine. Unlike eating grapes (raisin de table) wine grapes have a waxy skin for better protection and, because of this, tends to be a more blue color for red wine but remains green for white wine.
Once hand picked, farmers have begun to use specialized machinery to harvest the grapes. This allows for maximized productivity as it eliminates the need to hire numerous workers and speeds up the collection process indefinitely. The machines are designed with two arms that run alongside of the vines shaking it from side to side, loosening the grapes from the stems.
Hand picking the grapes is time consuming but there is less waste being collected like leaves, vines and stems. Although, the specialized machines have done a fairly good job as you can see from only the stems remaining.
The grapes gathered are dumped into an additional tractor with a special container.
The tractor hauls the precious cargo from the fields to the barn where the next step of the wine making process commences.
The container has a device attached to the back of it with a pipe coming from the bottom straight up.
Here is a closer look at what is collected by the automatic equipment in the fields.
A tube is connected to the pipe on the container to transfer the goods to be sorted between juice, pulp and waste.
You may be familiar with some Australian wine brands such as Lucky Lizard, Lizard of Oz, Leaping Lizard or Thirsty Lizard, all retaining their name from what may be obvious. Tiny creatures use the vineyards as their playground and during harvest often get swept up and become part of the wine. This little one was luckily pulled from the container before being crushed. Not all critters are spared though. Ladybugs, flies, caterpillars and the likes are all left to be digested. Think about that the next time you are enjoying a glass!
While being sucked through the tube the mixture is mashed into a pulp making the process of separation easier. Everything is spat into an additional machine where two steps occur.
The first is a conveyer belt that moves the skin, stems, leaves and other waste away.
This waste is spat into another machine that consolidates everything into a thick, dense log that looks similar to poop! This material makes use as good fertilizer or compost.
Part two of the separation is where the juice of the grapes is filtered through the bottom of the container and collects in yet another tub. This juice is delicious, pure and exceptionally nice to drink. Caution and moderation need to be exercised here as too much will cause frequent trips to the bathroom!
The frothy liquid is drained further as it makes its way to the fermentation sector of the process.
The juice travels through another corrugated tube into the barn where it is filtered again into storage vats.
These large vats can hold a remarkable amount of juice. This old vat is special because it came from the farmhouse where I am staying.
The vats have nozzles and catch buckets to test the juice as it sits.
The juice is then moved into barrels where it can be shipped away to be bottled and eventually drank.
This vondonge was all made part by the landowners; family and helpers who have maintained the land and have taken special care to ensure everything runs smoothly.
Don't Know What You Got 'Til It's Gone...
You can say it in so many ways, but I think Joni Mitchell describes it best. My recent relocation has brought me to the realization that sans my most loved companions I am completely lost. I find myself missing common conversation that I would have otherwise taken for granted. Missing the familiar faces of my life that bring extreme happiness along with extreme sadness, the good, and the inevitable bad, out in me and each other. Coming from a big city made smaller with the barrings of a recognizable face at any club, park, thrift store, local watering-hole, or perchance a passing in the street, I find myself searching for an outlet of confirmation that I exist in a network of experiences all leading to a current state. Without the, what some may call "mundane", encounters of life, I am missing something tangible that grounds assurance, allowing me to pusher further and harder into the future and take unthinkable chances based on the reliance of a safety net awaiting the fall.
Today in a society with electronic communication, contact made swiftly with a few clicks of a mouse and the access to a world wide web of experience, one could easily say there is a net available for anyone with any kind of difficulty. However, at the moment a more physical reassurance from someone who's seen the fall, nursed the wounds, and regarded the triumph back to life is what I am after.
One person does not hold the power to do so. Chronicled by many thinkers of the time we are a "me" generation, as our parents were, but I do not believe this to be the case. I like to think this body has been guided by everyone who has made contact with it. The mind, an accumulation of ideals, advice, and understandings of a larger part. I would not be who I am at this moment without you. Much that I have learned and will come to learn was and will be from you.
I would also like to say that words on a page do not quantify the look in your eyes, the parted lips of your grin, the way you gently touch my shoulder and tell me "things with be okay", "you really hurt me", or "c'est la vie".
There are so many remarkable people in my life I would never dream of being someone else, somewhere else. Because me without you has left me with a loneliness that only a much stronger me could face.
Today in a society with electronic communication, contact made swiftly with a few clicks of a mouse and the access to a world wide web of experience, one could easily say there is a net available for anyone with any kind of difficulty. However, at the moment a more physical reassurance from someone who's seen the fall, nursed the wounds, and regarded the triumph back to life is what I am after.
One person does not hold the power to do so. Chronicled by many thinkers of the time we are a "me" generation, as our parents were, but I do not believe this to be the case. I like to think this body has been guided by everyone who has made contact with it. The mind, an accumulation of ideals, advice, and understandings of a larger part. I would not be who I am at this moment without you. Much that I have learned and will come to learn was and will be from you.
I would also like to say that words on a page do not quantify the look in your eyes, the parted lips of your grin, the way you gently touch my shoulder and tell me "things with be okay", "you really hurt me", or "c'est la vie".
There are so many remarkable people in my life I would never dream of being someone else, somewhere else. Because me without you has left me with a loneliness that only a much stronger me could face.
French Graf
Compilation of various French graffiti artists. What caught me was the use of florescent colors. Inquire about individual pieces if you're interested in details.
Moist Beaver Magazine
Moist Beaver Magazine has recently published some photos of mine from the Baywatch Barbies shoot (Paper & Leather & Bikes), along with two other contributing photographers from the night.
You can download the e-version of issue #3 from the Moist Beaver website.
A hard copy of issues #1 & #2 can also be purchased at Sub Rosa (16 Kensington-basement) for $10 each.
Special thanks to Apple Woods and everyone at MBM
You can download the e-version of issue #3 from the Moist Beaver website.
A hard copy of issues #1 & #2 can also be purchased at Sub Rosa (16 Kensington-basement) for $10 each.
Special thanks to Apple Woods and everyone at MBM
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